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This is a placeholder website. I might take some time in the future to take more time.

I write weekly updates on interesting stuff (to me) at

And monthly at

Both also as newsletters.
Targetisnew at Ghost
Citiesofthings at Substack


I copy-paste here the bio from

Educated as an industrial design engineer, I work nowadays as an design director at Structural. Before that, I was the innovation director at the internet agency INFO.

Happy to be a member of Council Internet of Things network.

I co-founded the meetup-series Behavior Design AMS and initiated and organized ThingConAMS since 2014, and I chair ThingsCon Amsterdam foundation since 2017. I curate multiple Salons and the yearly conference in December.

In April 2017 I started 1 day a week as a visiting professor at the Connected Everyday Lab, TU Delft Industrial Design Engineering setting up a research program on Cities of Things. Since 2018 I’m co-director of the Delft Design Lab Cities of Things. Since 2021 we established Cities of Things Foundation in order to build a knowledge hub and field labs around that theme.

See also my profile on LinkedIn

In this blog I post on things I recon as interesting new developments or important trends. Check also my Medium-publication of LABS. Weekly I post updates that you can also subscribe to via Getrevue. Monthly I post reflections on Cities of Things via a newsletter at Substack.

Besides this blog you can follow me on TwitterInstagram, and Flickr and a bunch of other networks. I like to try new things 🙂 Try iskandr if you want to find me.